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The U.S. Geological Survey gave the magnitude as 7.4. The quake collapsed buildings and created a tsunami that washed ashore on southern Japanese islands. At least one person died, officials said.
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Some parts of the Southland will see morning low clouds until noon.
The land has moved up to 3.5 feet in some places.
In the forecast — sunny skies and warm temperatures.
Weather forecasters are not ruling out thunderstorms in today's forecast, but the good news is that this unstable weather pattern will move out of the area tonight.
Another unsettled weather pattern for today brings a small chance of thunderstorms this afternoon.
Nearly a century after we almost hunted them to extinction, fewer than 360 right whales remain.
The parrots, originally from Mexico, are thriving in SoCal.
The revised proposal grants water providers an extra five years for reducing outdoor irrigation. Cities and water agencies are relieved, while critics say Californians will keep wasting water.
Biden is calling on Congress for an additional $8 billion in funding for the program.
Lorrea Fuentes produces the popular free service with a passion for native plants and a poetic touch.
Weather forecasters say the strong winds will continue through the morning and die down by afternoon.
The peak gusts are expected to move out of the region by Thursday night, making room for a chance of wet weather into the weekend.
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