The free cable gun locks are available online and at some county-run medical centers.
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A cousin from the Philippines can now fly to the U.S. to donate after back-to-back rejections from the State Department.
Longevity research is booming. Scientists are looking for ways to target the basic biology of aging. And here's the exciting part: Our biological age appears to be malleable.
The human placenta is extraordinary, to say the least, and it may contain answers to some of life's biggest questions. While there are still many mysteries to unlock, here are some things you should know about one of the most important (and fascinating) organs.
This expansion gives an estimated 700,000 individuals statewide access to the full-scope of Medi-Cal. That includes mental health, medical, vision and dental care.
The state’s new voluntary program aimed at getting people living with serious mental illness into treatment appears to be off to a modest start.
The Red Cross says that the number of people donating blood has dropped by 40% over the last two decades
If you made a New Year's resolution but are struggling to get started or are already wavering, you may need to refine your goal and nail down a plan to get there. Try this evidence-based approach.
The 16-ounce jars of molasses and jam were sold at grocery stores in Woodland Hills, Van Nuys, and Irvine.
Arthur Yu's cousin in the Philippines wants to donate his stem cells, but he's been denied a visa.
The post-holiday surge continues, according to the latest data.
Colder weather and indoor gatherings — coupled with millions of people traveling for the holidays — are contributing to the expected surge of respiratory illnesses.
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