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Orange County Supervisors: Tracking Taxpayer Money

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  • Since late last year, Nick Gerda has been investigating millions on tax-payer funds directed to a nonprofit run by an Orange County supervisor's daughter. LAist reports:

    • Nov. 22: O.C. Supervisor Andrew Do was involved in directing $3.1 million to a mental health center where his 22 year-old daughter, Rhiannon Do, was president.
    • Dec. 18: Records show missing audits for $4 million in taxpayer funding earmarked to provide meals for seniors and people with disabilities.
    • Jan. 22: County records show Do directed an additional $6.2 million in taxpayer dollars to his daughter’s group without publicly disclosing the family ties.
    • Feb. 16: O.C. officials say millions in funding were unaccounted for by the group and warned it could be forced to repay the funds.
    • Mar. 7: O.C. officials say they are scrambling to understand what’s happening at the county-funded nonprofit after layoffs were announced and then rescinded.
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