State lawmakers have returned from spring recess, and the next few months will be when representation really matters. But how well are they doing? A series of CalMatters stories explores that big question.
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Westminster voters were asked to approve a measure raising the city's sales tax by a half cent to close a budget shortfall.
Nearly 60% of Irvine voters approved a plan to transform the way city council representatives are elected.
Voters approve a proposal to require voter ID and another another that critics say is aimed at keeping the Pride flag from being flown.
Where things stand in the race that had incumbent Kevin de Léon facing seven challengers following calls for him to resign after his remarks in the City Hall tape scandal.
Second place finisher Ethan Weaver said he called Raman to concede on March 14.
In key California election results, Democrat Adam Schiff and Republican Steve Garvey emerge from the U.S. Senate primary.
The proposition includes a bond to build treatment facilities and permanent supportive housing for people with mental health and addiction challenges.
The outcome may have gone as expected overall, but here's what the details mean for the presidential election.
Los Angeles Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff will face Republican Steve Garvey, a former L.A. Dodgers standout, in a general election runoff to decide who will represent California in the U.S. Senate.
LAist's Voter Game Plan is here to help you follow all the latest results.
Follow the latest results on a statewide ballot measure that would shift much of California’s millionaires tax for mental health services towards housing for people with mental illness.
LAist's Voter Game Plan is here to help.
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