The 105 Freeway abruptly ends at Studebaker Road, causing drivers to crash into buildings and barricades.
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L.A. County has an expansive bus system with more than 100 routes. But don’t be intimidated to hop on. We got you.
States have two years to make their signs more serious under the new regulations.
The changes include a clear ADA-accessible path from the airport to parking and public transportation, plus a warning system for pedestrians in crosswalks.
The Inglewood Transit Connector is slated to be completed in time for the 2028 L.A. Olympics.
LA Metro wants to hear from the public on their proposed fare structure before it's presented to the Metro Board of Directors later this month.
The nearly 16-acre project will also renovate the Metro station, add a new bus transit center, and bring more open space, restaurants, and shops to the area.
New technology and bigger vehicles can mean more glare for other drivers on the road, especially in the rain.
The deaths of four Pepperdine students two months ago have prompted state, county and local officials to address speeding on the highway.
TSA is now accepting Mobile Driver’s Licenses at security checkpoints in two LAX terminals.
Much of the popular downtown area had free, unrestricted parking, but things are about to change.
Light rail ridership numbers are not yet back to pre-pandemic levels, but they’re slowly closing the gap as Metro continues to expand its offerings around the city.
The curves on the Shoemaker Bridge are too dangerous for drivers. The bridge replacement is one of several projects Long Beach is undertaking to prepare for the 2028 Olympics.
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