Valverde’s death comes after the city of L.A. honored her last year with a dedicated square.
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The city's Cultural Heritage Commission unanimously voted to move forward with declaring the Brentwood home a historic cultural monument. The move allows the commission to delay demolition for 180 days.
The beloved ocean liner turned a profit last year after years of neglect, headaches and major debt.
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Restored with care, the 120-year-old movie theater is now ready for its closeup.
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Journalist Hadley Meares had written about LA’s extensive haunted history. But then she experienced it for herself.
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On Oct. 16, 1923, Margaret Winkler agreed to produce and distribute Alice Comedies, a new series by Walt Disney. That contract is considered the founding document of The Walt Disney Company.
Looking back at 100 years of history.
As Labor Hall of Honor inductees, the group of more than 70 Thai garment workers will share recognition with the likes of Cesar Chavez and Eugene V. Debs.
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