The 105 Freeway abruptly ends at Studebaker Road, causing drivers to crash into buildings and barricades.
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Despite the cease and desist letter they’ve received from the city, Alex and Daisy De La Rosa say they’ll continue to make the DIY repairs.
The 3.6-mile project will expand sidewalks, improve crosswalks, and bring bike and bus lanes to the popular stretch.
This is how the infamous SigAlert originated as a Cold-war era defense messaging system.
Here's how you can share your input on whether the express lanes on the 10 Freeway should be expanded.
JetBlue and Spirit said it'd be best if they remain separate companies as they don't believe they'll be able to merge by the time the agreement is up in July.
Here's your guide to navigating the street and sidewalk closures for the 96th Academy Awards on Sunday.
It's the latest regulatory hurdle that Waymo, the Alphabet-owned driverless car company, has cleared as it expands its operations in California.
The pilot program starts in Van Nuys with more than 100 of the brighter, more resilient, all-in-one systems.
The Orange County Transportation Authority hopes passenger rail service can start back up some time March.
The proposed project now heads to the L.A. City Council, Caltrans, and California State Parks for their approval. It includes more than 30 conditions the project must meet in order to break ground.
Crews tried to keep the rain away with plastic tarps, but water was still able to seep into the ground.
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