Having fun isn't hard when you've got more than one library card. LAist's public library uber fan Kevin Tidmarsh shows you how to get the most out of the state's vast library system, from "cardmaxxing" to other hacks.
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The L.A. Marathon is Sunday. Many of the things that make LA different are also what make this long-distance race different.
Keith Haring, Salvador Dalí, David Hockney, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Roy Lichtenstein and others adorned the park's rides. Those attractions have been in shipping containers ever since — until now.
The games will be broadcast live starting at 3 a.m. on March 20 and 21 — not a deterrent for diehard baseball fans in Ktown.
Venice's very own museum is for the people of Venice to tell their own stories of living in the 3-square mile neighborhood.
It's part of a project to replicate the entire world.
Basketball star LeBron James became the first NBA player to reach 40,000 career regular-season points on Saturday.
After the recent atmospheric rivers, it's time to check in on two popular wildflower spots to get the skinny on this year's post-storm bloom.
Nearly 10,000 people have checked out the pass from the Los Angeles County Library system alone.
Death Valley's Lake Manly has resurfaced after the atmospheric river brought nearly a year's worth of rainfall to Badwater Basin.
The Orange County Clerk-Recorder is adding special hours today to issue marriage licenses, because 2-24-24 is a pretty irresistible date.
The local library branches don’t just deal in books these days.
The Kansas City Chiefs will play the San Francisco 49ers in Las Vegas for Super Bowl 58 today, Feb. 11. Here's what you need to know going into the big game.
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