Having fun isn't hard when you've got more than one library card. LAist's public library uber fan Kevin Tidmarsh shows you how to get the most out of the state's vast library system, from "cardmaxxing" to other hacks.
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The unveiling of the statue will the prelude to the Lakers donning their "Black Mamba" uniforms against the Denver Nuggets.
Pack your bags and get ready for some premium nature.
A first look at the world’s only authentic space shuttle stack standing in Exposition Park, ahead of the upcoming Samuel Oschin Air and Space Center.
Matthew Brinkley, a psychotherapist, creates space for his Black, LGBTQ communities.
We've laid out the best sightseeing spots, nearby food recommendations and a whole lotta fascinating history
The Chargers will get a proven winner. Harbaugh took the Michigan Wolverines to the top of college football and led the San Francisco 49ers to the Super Bowl.
Mayor Bass said the major sporting events on the horizon will positively impact local businesses and public transit.
These free DVD pantries have been popping up across the nation since 2019. The latest franchise is in Sun Valley.
Harvey's Broiler in Downey was an epicenter of cruising culture in L.A. The site is now home to Bob's Big Boy, a beloved landmark that continues to pay homage to the West Coast tradition.
The annual "Pageant of the Masters" festival in Laguna Beach takes place this summer. This weekend, they're asking folks to audition.
Dave Gibbs has been taking daily photos of surfers at Bolsa Chica State Beach for more than a decade.
Don't get kicked out while saving your viewing spot for this upcoming Rose Parade.
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