State lawmakers have returned from spring recess, and the next few months will be when representation really matters. But how well are they doing? A series of CalMatters stories explores that big question.
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Curing is the process of verifying thousands of vote-by-mail ballot signatures that didn’t match signatures on file.
Los Angeles city councilmember Nithya Raman has just enough votes to avoid a runoff election. Her main challenger, Ethan Weaver, has conceded the race.
Watch this space for live results once the polls close.
From here, the remaining tallies will get slow. Some races remain very, very close.
The highest payouts over the past few fiscal years are tied to the LAPD and the Public Works divisions for sanitation and street services.
Recent polls show many Californians were undecided heading into Election Day on Gov. Newsom’s Proposition 1, which would fund new mental health treatment facilities.
The Los Angeles Civil Rights Department fined Smart & Final $10K for allegedly discriminating against a Black man.
If you’re wondering why we’re still waiting on race calls, these charts explain it.
Watch this space for live results once the polls close.
Orange County officials say they are scrambling to understand what’s happening at a county-funded nonprofit led by O.C. Supervisor Andrew Do’s 22 year-old daughter. The county says the group has failed to account for millions in taxpayer dollars.
The incumbent for District 4 has 54% of the votes tallied so far.
Preliminary primary results show Yvonne Yiu got the third most votes — not enough to get a spot in the general election.
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